Whipsaw: Whipsaw Meaning in Stock Market

Such price action is characterized by trend line violations, false breakouts, and erratic behavior. Sawyers either dug a large pit or constructed a sturdy platform, enabling a two-man crew to saw, one positioned below the log called the pit-man, the other standing on top called the top-man. The saw blade teeth were angled and sharpened [...]

Por |2024-09-06T15:23:04-05:00julio 26th, 2023|Forex Trading|Sin comentarios

What is Whipsaw in Trading and How Does it Work? IG International

Almost immediately after purchasing the stock, the company releases a quarterly report that shakes investor confidence and causes the stock to decline in value by more than 10%, never to recover. The investor is holding the stock at a loss, with no option to sell the stock, effectively whipsawed. The origin of the term whipsaw is [...]

Por |2024-09-06T15:23:04-05:00julio 24th, 2023|Forex Trading|Sin comentarios
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